Wednesday, June 3, 2009

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest part IV

When the guys return from the successful fighing trip, Nurse Rachet realizes that they have all came back different. Once they were able to go out in the real world they noticed that they weren't as disabled as Nurse Rachet said them to be. McMurphy gets into a fight defending George from the black boys. Chief Bromden comes to McMurphy's aid and they both are punished. Their punishment was the shock treatment and while the Chief was getting the treatment it made him think about his past. He remembered his grandmothers rhyme that said "one who flew over the cuckoo's nest" and it made him think of leaving the ward which related to his grandmothers rhyme would be the cuckoo's nest. Soon after McMurphy threw a party so Billy could loose his virginity, however Nurse Rachet catches them and threatens to call Billy's mother and tell her the story. That night Billy committed suicide. Nurse Rachet blames McMurphy for Billy's death. As a retaliation McMurphy exposes Nurse Rachet's chest. Because of McMurphy, Nurse Rachet has lost control of everyone and as a result sent him to recieve lobotomy. Once McMurphy returns from his punishment, he is in a vegastative state. Chief Bromden doesn't want to see McMurphy have to live that way for the rest of his life since he helped the other guys become mature and realize that they could go back into society. So the Chief sufficated him to death, to put him out of his misery. After doing that he escapes and goes back into the real world as a new man who's mature and stronger then ever.
I learned that McMurphy didn't only care for himself but cared for all the other men in the ward by making the ultimate sacrifice. That sacrifice truely showed how mature McMurphy was at heart.

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